Create a repository

mkdir cluster-api-provider-mailgun
cd src/
git init

You’ll then need to set up go modules

go mod init
go: creating new go.mod: module

Generate scaffolding

kubebuilder init --domain

kubebuilder init will create the basic repository layout, including a simple containerized manager. It will also initialize the external go libraries that will be required to build your project.

Commit your changes so far:

git commit -m "Generate scaffolding."

Generate provider resources for Clusters and Machines

Here you will be asked if you want to generate resources and controllers. You’ll want both of them:

kubebuilder create api --group infrastructure --version v1alpha1 --kind MailgunCluster
kubebuilder create api --group infrastructure --version v1alpha1 --kind MailgunMachine
Create Resource under pkg/apis [y/n]?
Create Controller under pkg/controller [y/n]?

The latest API version of Cluster API and the version of your provider do not need to be in sync. Instead, prefer choosing a version that matches the stability of the provider API and its backward compatibility guarantees.

Add Status subresource

The status subresource lets Spec and Status requests for custom resources be addressed separately so requests don’t conflict with each other. It also lets you split RBAC rules between Spec and Status. It’s stable in Kubernetes as of v1.16, but you will have to manually enable it in Kubebuilder.

Add the subresource:status annotation to your <provider>cluster_types.go <provider>machine_types.go

// +kubebuilder:subresource:status
// +kubebuilder:object:root=true

// MailgunCluster is the Schema for the mailgunclusters API
type MailgunCluster struct {
// +kubebuilder:subresource:status
// +kubebuilder:object:root=true

// MailgunMachine is the Schema for the mailgunmachines API
type MailgunMachine struct {

And regenerate the CRDs:

make manifests

Apply further customizations

The cluster API CRDs should be further customized:

Commit your changes

git add .
git commit -m "Generate Cluster and Machine resources."